Well of course I had to do the Halloween post....It's kind of strange, but people in our neighborhood don't even trick-or-treat at houses anymore, they have a big ol trunk-or-treat in the church parking lot that lasts about a 1/2 hour to 45 min. Bing Bang Boom and we're done! Anyway lots of fun and lots of candy....
Love your family picture! Ever since I first took Anna out on Halloween, it has always been trunk or treating, but this year my ward wasn't doing it! It kind of felt weird not to do it! But we still had lots of fun going door to door!
thats the best! Its hard work lugging kids around the neighborhood and we even had a golf cart. I like your bing bang boom tactic!
you all looked good!
you guys look so cute! how did you get mike to dress up? that is awesome!! I miss seeing you!!
I actually was wondering about the trunk or treat thing! I was on my way home from work on the 30th and I got really confused because I kept seeing kids dressed up in their Halloween costumes the day before Halloween!
Loving the costumes! You guys look so cute!
Our ward did a trunk or treat too and it was fun, but I kind of miss the old way of doing it. I guess when my kids get older I can do both. You kids looked so cute. I can't believe how big your little girl looks. It has been a while I guess.
You guys are too cute! I think Mike has secretly always wanted to dress like that, lol. Sierra and Josh got to do 2 trunk-or-treats AND trick-or-treating. I'm thinking that's a bit much but they had fun! I love your posts by the way!
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