Friday, September 28, 2007


Today was so fun! My friend Suzie and I took our kids to "farm country" at thanksgiving point, I had never been before but judging from the fair experience, my kids really like farm animals. Tyson got to ride on the pony (which of course was the highlight of the trip), ride the horse drawn wagon, see all sorts of different animals (llamas, chickens, pigs, etc...), and of course feed the goats (they licked the corn right out of the kid's hands!)

It has turned off pretty chilly the last week or so and Ty and Madi are already excited for their "beanies" so the other day Madi thought she would try hers out.... She also thinks that Tyson's cars are much more fun to play with than her toys..(much to his dismay!)

Finally, Tyson and Ethan, the little boy I watch 2 days a week, thought it would be fun to build a fort to play in, so here is my feeble attempt to help them build one, I am seriously not as creative of a fort maker as I was in my younger years!

Saturday, September 22, 2007


I've been tagged so here we go...

Jobs I've Had

1. Physical Therapy Aide (in SG, Orem, and AF)
2. Comfort Cottage (CNA)
3. Washington City Pool Cashier (4 summers during HS)

Movies I Can Watch Over & Over

1. Ocean's 11
2. The Italian Job
3. Count of Monte Cristo
4. Bourne Identity

Favorite Foods

1. Ice Cream
2. Thai Food (any!)
3. Enchiladas
4. Spagetti or Lasagna

Places I've Lived

1. St. George
2. Orem
3. American Fork

Favorite TV Shows

2. News
3. Law and Order (All)
4. Without a Trace

Places I like to visit

1. Washington DC
2. Oregon Coast
3. California(Bay Area)
4. St. George


1. Hiking
2. Camping
3. Reading (Mary Higgins Clark)
4. Running

I tag Trish, Angela, and Jessi

Monday, September 17, 2007


This past weekend was pretty mellow as far as activity goes, we went to the Utah State Fair which was a ton of fun, Ty and Madi loved seeing all of the farm animals that were for show, we took Tyson on a couple of the kiddie rides and I remembered why we haven't been in so long (we don't have very strong stomaches!)...but he had a blast and that's what counts!... I forgot my camera, but you should have seen the look on his face and the white knuckes, all the time saying that he was having fun! Ty will turn three in December, I can't believe it, he got big so fast, he already knows so much and is so independent, sometimes I think he could raise himself!

This weekend also marked a full week of Tyson being dry at night! I thought that was HUGE!! I am so happy that he made it to fully potty trained without any major accidents!

One last thing...I recently got called to be a Relief Society teacher and we are in a "newly wed-nearly dead" basically I have little to no experience compared to some of the sisters in there...anyway, yesterday was my first lesson and I was sure I was going to pass out right there on the spot, or throw up on the pretty lace table cloth or something, but I made it through okay and am very proud of myself for keeping my composure as nervous as I was. I now have an entire month before I have to do it again! I think I wil be the beneficiary in this calling because of all the great feedback and advice that was given during the lesson, lucky for me, not so lucky for everyone who has to listen to my nervous laughter during the lesson, thank goodness for discussion!

Oh yeah, Kids on the Move is coming over on Wednesday to evaluate Madi and let me know where she is at developmentally and give me some suggestions on how to motivate my dear little baby (not so baby, she is almost fifteen months and not moving like she should, she still just seems like a baby because she is only in the 8th %ile for height-very small for her age- and I still pack her around cause she won't do it herself!) I would love to see her moving around like other kids her age... most of them are walking by now!

Monday, September 10, 2007

Demo Derbys and Wedding rings

Mike manages a branch in West Jordan and has a buddy that participates in the annual West Jordan Demolition Derby and of course, Mike being a car junky really wanted to go... so we loaded up the kids and were off! Can I just tell you I have never laughed so hard in my was HILARIOUS!!! The whole time I was thinking "What makes people crazy enough to do this?" then of course my dear adorable hubby says "Honey just think how fun it would be if we had a car and you were part of my crew and down on the sidelines cheering for me?" Well, I guess now we have something to look forward to!

So a little over three years ago I was busily tidying a rom for my new baby and
accidently slammed my finger in the closet door...all sad that my wedding ring took the brunt of the slam, we went to Wal-Mart and
purchased this lovely little $15 ring on the right... thinking that my ring would be super expensive to fix (bent prongs, fallen out diamond, etc..) I have postponed taking it to a jewler and have been wearing this for three and a half years! So last week I finally made it down to Provo and took my "real ring" in to get it fixed....picked it up on Saturday after a good cleaning and plating and it was BEAUTIFUL!!....and only 66 bucks...can you believe it?? I was extatic!! Why I didn't take it in three years ago I'll never know......There is just something about real diamonds....!

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Viva Las Vegas...

We just had our last little summer get away and had so much fun! Mike's parents have a condo in Vegas and we went down with some friends for labor day weekend. We did some swimming, went down to the strip for some good food(Cheesecake Factory...mmmmmm...In-N- Out... we love!) and free entertainment (water show at the Belagio, M&M store, aquarium and Atlantis show at Ceasar's Palace...)

(Tired boy!!)

(M&M Store)

we also did some shopping at the mall, and did lots of lounging around relaxing! All in all it was a pretty fun weekend, but after being there for a few days and seeing more skin than I care to see in a lifetime, I am glad to be home, I think the kids are glad to be back in their own beds too!