Friday, August 10, 2007

Potty Training

Ahh the joys of toilet training. Tyson is 2 1/2 so I'm not worried that he hasn't totally latched onto the whole idea. He does really well during the day and I decided to start putting him in "big boy underwear" while he is awake. He really likes his spiderman pants and LOVES getting a treat after he goes. However, I feel like he's getting candy all day long when he goes pee every hour....any sugestions on a healthier version of the potty treats? Well, that is about it as far as training goes, no major mishaps or horrible accidents to report so far, should be fun to see when it finally clicks and one less diaper to change...Yay for potty training!!


jaesi said...

Hey Staci....its Jaesi S.
Look at your darling kids!!! They are too cute! How far apaprt are they? So, we just went through potty training with my 2 1/2 girl. Candy, I found does the trick the best but also popsicles.
Just keep it up and in no time you will have a big boy on your hands!

Hallie said...

Hey Stacy,
I made a chart and every time Tyler used the peed (or peeping as Tyler called it) he got one sticker (which he got to put on) and two stickers for pooping. When he reached a certain point, he got a big prize (maybe a toy he's been wanting). Another suggestion is to get a bunch of cheap dollar store stickers or toys and let him pick one of those out of a bucket everytime. That way he's still getting something, but it's not sending him on a sugar high.

Hallie said...

oops. sorry for the typo in there. I hate (oops, ugly word in my house) really don't like it when I do that.

The Bundys said...

Yeah! you changed your background! I love it! and good job on the potty training, Holton wants nothing to do with it and he'll be three in October. Maybe I should just got get some big boy underware for him and see how that works. And I agree, won't it be nice to not have to change so many diapers everyday?

Holly Woolsey said...

What has worked for me was when they went pee, they got a gumball and when they went poo they got a small toy (from the dollar store). The first time was a killer for them to get their toy, but once they figured it out it was a breeze. Before long they forget about the toy and just keep going! It's even better when you let them go with you to the dollar store and let them pick some out..then they REALLY want the toy! Good luck!

Mandy said...

Staci, how are you? I am so excited to catch up with everything. Good luck with the potty training. We were really lucky with Ashten, she has been in big girl panties since she was 19 months. Treyson on the other hand may be another story. Maybe it is just me though, and I am not ready to start all over with it. I guess that it is inevitable. They are supper cute and I can't wait to see more of them.