well, it's obvious I havn't had much time to blog, in fact I should be making dinner right now but I thought I'd share what I've been doing lately...
First: I turned 27!! My wonderful husband and friends threw a suprise party for me...Love them all, thanks so much it totally made my week!!
First: I turned 27!! My wonderful husband and friends threw a suprise party for me...Love them all, thanks so much it totally made my week!!
Second: We went to Pine Valley for a family reunion then hung out in SG for a couple of days...had a blast and "attempted" a family pic... I stayed for an extra day and visited Trish and Mikes fam.
Mike whistling and Madi trying to run away
Ty and Madi at the splash pad...we came kind of unprepared but they had a ton of fun!
Third: Canning, canning, and more canning. I have never been a "susie homemaker" but I figured I better learn the art of canning just in case I ever needed to use it...well, being unexperienced, I bought three boxes of peaches thinking I would get two batches...ummmm yeah, I think I am all peached out!! It was very self-satisfying to see them all lined up after all that work though! ( I also did a couple of batches of tomatoes out of my garden)
Well, that about sums it up for the last month...I'll try to do better in October!
sorry i havnt talked to you for so long, taking my own appointments i had no minutes on my cell plan! so you are totally a susie homemaker! love ya, talk to you soon!
Your peaches look great! Way to go! You are wonderwoman! See you this weekend.
I love the family pictures. We took some a few weeks ago and it was a nightmare. It just gets worse with the more little ones being added. Good work with the fruit.
Happy Birthday.
Happy Birthday Stacy! Way to go on the canning. Something I hope to try out next year (assuming we don't get as much rain and plants don't all drown like this year). Maybe I'll have to call you for advice. ;)
Love the attempted family pictures, too funny! And your family looks great!
What days and times are good for you to plan an outing w/ some girls?
Good job girl. I can't tell you how much I loath canning and at the same time how much I WISH that I loved it.
Ya! A fellow canner. Actually I'm impressed with yours. I only helped my mom here I don't know if I could do it on my own. thats a funny title.. when I get around to posting about the peaches I was going to write movin to the country...:)
CRAP!! I SUCK at remembering birthdays!! Have you noticed? I was lucky to remember Mark's...barely, lol. HAPPY BELATED B-DAY for what it's worth! Hey, can you teach me how to can? :)
Man I don't know where I've been forever! Your peaches look awesome! Way to go! Good to catch up on what your up to! I can't believe that Tyson is a preschooler!! Where does the time go?!?
Good for you Stacy - the peaches look good. One day i'll try some canning!
Stacy, you are awesome! Those cans do look beautiful all lined up together. I really need to learn that skill.
So, I have a blog now! It's at dutchfotos.blogspot.com
You should check it out sometime. I caved in and did a blog and I'm happy I did.
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