Thursday, August 28, 2008

Work and School

Tuesday was Tysons first day of Pre-School. He absolutely LOVED it!! He came home super excited to sing me all the songs he'd learned and tell me all about his fun class. I am so glad he liked it, he is a pretty social kid so I wasn't too worried. Madi really wanted to go too, she kept asking where Ty was for the whole two hours...such fun kids!

Mike also started school so it's back to the nightly class routine for was a nice little break but now he's back to the books!!

My job is okay, it's nice to only work two nights a week and my kids not even know that I was gone...they do however get to go "play" at the neighbors house for a couple of hours while mommy goes home to take a nap. Thanks Heidi for helping me keep my sanity!

My garden is out of control!! I have sooooo many zuccini and bell peppers that I don't know what to do with them all....I have tons of tomatoes too, but my friend is going to teach me how to bottle them so we can have them till next summer hopefully. Everything else I have cut up or shredded and put in freezerbags hopefully to be used throughout the winter...

I have this many every week!


Mandy said...

I'm glad Ty loves pre-school. I love the fact that Ashten comes home with so many cute things. It helps me feel like even though I don't do crafts with her, she is still doing them.
It looks like your garden is a HUGE success.

McKean Family said...

so you must have tons of zuccini recipes, other wise it would get old really fast! Do the kids eat it? zucinni bread is pretty good, thats one way to sneak it into there tummies:) I cant wait for ryder to go to preschool! Love ya talk to you soon!

Three Men and a Janie said...

Shoot girl, send some zuchini my way! We didn't plant any this year. I've already bottled some tomatoes so let me know if I can be of help there! Glad things are going okay with work. And Ty looks super cute.

ArringtonZoo said...

What kind are those white ones? Fun.

Harrisons said...

Glad I'm not the only one with zucchini problems! I shredded 10 cups in one day a couple weeks ago and froze it all. I have a fun and EASY recipe for bottling Salsa. It doesn't require the whole water bath thing. Let me know if you want it.

Stacy and Mike said...

Shelby- um...albino zuccini? Not sure but they taste the same :)