Monday, August 18, 2008

Crazy? I think so...

So my life has been a little crazy lately, Our renters have moved out and we have been moving into our basement. We moved our entertainment center, computer, toys, books, etc and have been so excited to double our living space. We have had the bug to move for a while now but with all of this extra room it's settled down for a bit. Unfortunately though with the renters went a good chunk of moolah, so I have decided to renew my C.N.A. and get a job working a couple of graves a week. I am actually pretty excited about if because it will give me a chance to get out and work with people in the rehab unit at the Care Center by our house...I start on Thursday and work for three nights in a row for training...whew...should be interesting!

We went camping on Friday night with some friends (thanks Eric and Kati!) and had lots of fun horse-back riding and hanging out on the mountain watching everyone get ready for the bowhunt...we're not hunters, but it was pretty entertaining to see all of the prep that goes into that hobby.

I also got a new calling as the Stake Sundayschool secretary which should keep me pretty busy yeah, like I said before, I think I am crazy and we'll see how long I can play the balancing act of mom, cna, secretary, babysitter, etc...oh yeah and Ty starts pre-school next week!!! I am so nervous for him but so excited at the same time anyway wish me luck, I think I'll need it!


Matt and Mandy said...

Wow! You are busy! Good luck with all of that! Kinley starts preschool in 2 weeks, I share your sad/excited feeling! We should get together sometime soon!

Mandy said...

How exciting to get back into the workforce. Good luck with doing nights. I would die.

Kendall and Melissa said...

Wow, it sounds like you are keeping busy and having a lot of fun! I miss talking to you, but reading your blog is fun too.

Alecia said...

Wow you are going to be crazy busy! Hope everything goes well.I'm glad you got to go camping, I thought Ryan said Mike was going by himself.:)

McKean Family said...

Working is so hard, i had a hard time but its fun to have conversation with adults(even if they too are in diapers:)!!) Good luck with your new balancing act!!

MCKALA said...

good for you for going back to work. I have been thinking about getting a job but thats has far as it goes. good luck wiht everything.

Teshua said...

Wow what a cute family you have!! I work a couple of hours a day just to keep me from going crazy!! Its good to have a little break and hold a conversation with adults for awile!! Good Luck with everything! :)

Brittany said...

Good luck with everything! I don't know how you do it wokring nights, and then keeping up with 2 kids during the day--you are a brave woman! I am sure you do great!!

McKean Family said...

Me and my mom might be coming on the 19 of sept. for a reception, so we might have to drop by sometime while we are up there! Plus I am changing salons so you have to come see it is such a nice place. I am so excited! and cooper is getting huge!

Jen said...

CONGRATS! I didn't know you started working! I'm horrible, I don't get time to even get on the internet anymore! So I'm missing out on all the updates :( I miss you guys!