There was a time in my life where blogging was an important part of it, but now my days are busy with mom stuff and taking care of babies. Love them and feel so blessed to have a wonderful hubby and great kids :)
The Kiddos on a walk during fall break.
Jaxon is the happiest kid on the planet...
Tyson and Madi are doing amazing in school and loving every bit of it :) And last but not least,
For those who haven't met this little beauty yet, her name is Anniston Leigh. She is now 3 months old and the happiest, sweetest baby ever! (most of the time anyway...)
I'm the Family editor at Before It's News. Our site is a People Powered news platform with over 4,000,000 visits a month and growing fast.
We would be honored if we could republish your blog RSS feed in our new Family category.
Please tell me what you would like as your byline (typically the blog's name)
You can have any text and/or links you wish appended to the end of each of your posts on Before It's News. It should be around 200 characters or less (not including links). If you have html please send me that.
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Please email me at so our readers can start looking at The Baxter Family
Zack Stieber
Family Editor, Before It's News
Congrats on your newest!! :) She is adorable! Your kids are so big! I never met Jaxon and now you have another! So happy you are doing well! :)
Hey Stacy and Mike. Your family has sure grown since we've seen you. It's been a long time. You guys look great. Hope you had a wonderful Christmas and New Years!
nice post,,
Obat Perangsang Wanita
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