Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Summer Fun

Summer is absolutely my favorite season and we have been loving it! Kiddies get to play in the pool, and mommy gets a tan...what more can you ask for?

Summer is also the time when we have American Fork Steel Days. We love this because of all the fun things there are to do during the week. They have what they call "Picnic in the Park" which my kids loved. You bring a picnic to eat and then they have tons of free things to do like carnival games where they get little toys or candy, then they have the BIG blow-up toys for the kids to jump around on. They have face painting (or arm painting in Madi's case) and a little train ride. Then at the end they have an outdoor family movie. Of coure the other nights they have the carnival rides and they have a HUGE fireworks show in the park on Saturday night.

This was by far the favorite thing of the evening!

Train ride and Madi admiring her beautiful butterfly!
(A funny side note, Saturday night we were waiting around for the fireworks to start and this little kid walks up to Madi and gives her the stare down...all of a sudden Ty steps in front of Madi and sizes up the kid who was bigger than Ty by the way but Ty stuck out his chest in defense of his little sis...the kid backs down and walks away while Ty eyes him close...then once the kid was a safe distance away, Ty put his arms around Madi and says "Come on Madi" and ushers her over to us completely unaware that we had just witnessed the whole thing. We totally praised him for taking on the big brother role so was awesome!)

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

So much to little time to blog...

The last few weeks have been absolutely crazy, and so much fun! First of all , our family loves AF Canyon...we head up there just to get a break from the heat, hang out with friends, hike around, and see nature.

Feeding the ground squirrels

The last week in June, we took a little vacation to spend time with some friends in Vegas for a few days...we dropped our kids off at my moms house (thanks a million mom!) and drove down for a relaxing weekend of laying out by the pool, walking the strip, shopping, and lots of really great food.

Mike and Mike grew up in Cali and they are totally back in High
school when they are was so funny to watch!

Then we drove home Sunday night, Mike worked Monday, and we drove back down in the Burb on Tuesday for the infamous Bundy Reunion....Crazy, I know...but so much fun! I love the reunion so much and when I tell people about it they look at me in awe or like I'm crazy, I'm not sure...anyways, this year was especially fun because the kids are getting to where they really love it too. Seriously, what's not to love about a ton of family, a lot of sun, getting unbelievably dirty, dutch-oven cooking and eating all the junk and soda your heart desires? We went four-wheeling, hiking, and did A LOT of visiting with people we hadn't seen since the year before. We also celebrated Madi's birthday...I can't believe she's two already!! I made her a dutch-oven peach cobler and the poor girl fell asleep and didn't even get any. I've decided that since her b-day will fall during the reunion almost every year we will have to make it tradition to have a cobler cake!

What are they doing?
Ty found the cactus...

Running the races and Madi's b-day,

All worn out!